LiCalab vzw

Accelerator : This company is supported by the SEAS 2 Grow Accelerator
Event – Brainstorming : This organization has already been involved in SEAS 2 Grow workshops and events
This is a SEAS 2 Grow partner, involved in the project activities on a daily basis.
Intermediary actors
Campus Blairon 800 2300
LiCalab supports businesses and organisations in the health and care sector by testing and validating innovations with end users, in their own living environment. We focus on technological innovations, nutritional concepts, exercise and revalidation, mental health and informal care.
Services provided:
- Access to end-users for co-development
- Advising / assisting with partnerships (public, private and public-private)
- Advising on political landscape
- Advising on route to market and commercialization activities, including regulations
- Assistance with project management and delivery, including trials
- Business modelling
- Networking events and business conventions dedicated to innovation in Silver Economy
- Product review and product evaluation (including living labs)
If you would like to contact this organization, please address your request to