South East Health Technologies Alliance

Accelerator : This company is supported by the SEAS 2 Grow Accelerator
Event – Brainstorming : This organization has already been involved in SEAS 2 Grow workshops and events
This is a SEAS 2 Grow partner, involved in the project activities on a daily basis.
Intermediary actors
United Kingdom
Health and care technology network providing free member services and private consultancy to companies, health and care providers and local authorities.
They use:
- Cognitive impairment (e.g. Dementia)
- Fitness and overall physical activity
- Informal communication e.g with friends and family
- Mental health and loneliness
- Monitoring activities of daily living including falls and wandering
- Nutrition and Hydration
- Prevention and detection as well as recovery of acute health events
- Prevention and management of chronic health including medical devices
They are interested in:
- Digital literacy
- Incontinence
- Mobility issues e.g. walking aids
- Swallowing process
Services provided:
- Advising / assisting with applications for funding / financing
- Advising / assisting with export
- Advising / assisting with partnerships (public, private and public-private)
- Advising on political landscape
- Advising on route to market and commercialization activities, including regulations
- Assistance with project management and delivery, including trials
- Business modelling
- Companies training and coaching (information sessions, training to raise funds, etc.)
- Introductions to customers
- Networking events and business conventions dedicated to innovation in Silver Economy
- Training to raise funds
If you would like to contact this organization, please address your request to