First needs finding sessions
took place in each country
In January, each country involved in SEAS 2 Grow (France, Belgium, England, Netherlands) organized a need finding session with local stakeholders of Silver Economy to identify the priorities and hurdles of this sector. The goal is to have a picture of the current Silver Economy ecosystem in each region in order to identify the differences and similarities between all the countries involved in SEAS 2 Grow. This will help stakeholders to better understand the Silver Economy market in the near European countries.
Each session gathered more than 40 participants : companies, local authorities, health institutions, end users’ associations. It was an unique opportunity to think all together to find common solutions and action plans to develop innovations for senior citizens in the 2 Sea area.
Meeting reports have been sent to local participants after the session. Each regional session ended up with very different priorities and conclusions.
Partners of SEAS 2 Grow will analyze all these results and will send a global cross-border report with overall conclusions to all participants of the 4 sessions (September 2017).

Funded by European Regional Development Fund